select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '251' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< OTT 드라마 마0 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '250' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 모니 빨대컵 홍보영상 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '249' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 국세청 세금 교육컨텐츠 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '248' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
<단편영화 "네잎클로버" 이미지 단역>
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '247' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 유튜브 플레이온 컨텐츠 촬영 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '246' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 의료기기 홍보영상 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '245' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 강원도 교육청 라디오광고 나레이션 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '244' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 운동기구 홈쇼핑 인서트 촬영 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '243' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 삼성 드림클래스 교육영상 고정MC >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '242' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< 고용노동부 가사도우미 정책 홍보영상 녹음 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '241' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< ott 드라마 소녀복수극 >
select * from sp_board_file where wm_table = 'cast_sketch' and wm_bid = '240' order by wm_num limit 0, 1
< gs 편의점 브랜드필름 >